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April 16, 2024

Facial Implants — Are They Right for You?

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_wiesman @ 5:44 pm
Woman’s chin before and after receiving facial implant

Are you looking for a long-lasting way to enhance the shape of your face? Your plastic surgeon might recommend that you receive facial implants, which are small medical devices that get inserted beneath the skin. They have the potential to help you achieve your aesthetic goals! Admittedly, though, they are a big commitment. Before you agree to undergo surgery, you should be confident that facial implants are right for you. This blog post discusses some traits of a good candidate for this procedure.

You Want to Alter the Shape of Your Face

Facial implants come in a range of shapes and sizes. They are often able to:

  • Add youthful fullness to the temples.
  • Create the appearance of a stronger chin or jaw.
  • Add fullness and shape to the cheeks.

Many patients who choose facial implants are on a quest to change features that are the result of genetics. Others, though, seek implants after a serious injury that affected their appearance.

You Are Healthy Enough to Undergo Surgery

Before approving you for facial implants, your surgical team should take a thorough medical history and do a work-up to make sure you are not at a high-risk of complications. They may ask if you have been diagnosed with any conditions, what medications you are currently taking (including herbal supplements), whether you smoke, and more. Based on the information they gather, they can make a reasonable determination as to whether cosmetic surgery would be safe for you.

You Have Realistic Expectations

Before you get facial implants, you should have a realistic idea of what they can accomplish. Feel free to ask your plastic surgeon to see photos of other patients who have received implants. There may also be galleries online that you can browse through. The images you look at may help you understand whether facial implants could help you achieve your specific aesthetic goals.

You Want Long-Lasting Results

Often, people who want to reshape certain areas of their face choose to get dermal fillers, which offer a quick and minimally invasive treatment process. The downside to fillers is that they usually last just 6 – 18 months before additional injections are required. Facial implants, on the other hand, have the potential to last a lifetime. (If you ever change your mind about facial implants, they are usually not difficult to remove.)

Do you think facial implants might be right for you? Consult with a reputable plastic surgeon to learn more about this transformative procedure.

Meet the Practice

Dr. Irvin M. Wiesman is a board-certified plastic surgeon who is proud to serve the Chicago community. He is serious about both the art and science of his profession — he wants every patient to be satisfied with their results. If you are thinking about getting facial implants or undergoing other aesthetic procedures, he and our team would be happy to speak with you. Contact Wiesman Cosmetic Surgery at 312-981-1290.

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